Txs count by your API users:

Your latest transactions:

  • 1 to 999 bytes of data --> tx size = 1
  • 1000 to 1999 bytes of data --> tx size = 2
  • and so on...

Your API keys:

"userId" and "apiKey" are the info you will need to set up the connection from your device to our REST API. See the Documentation

Your API users:

You can create as many API users (one for each of your production lines, devices or processes) as you like.

Your balance:

To increase your balance, please contact us !!

  • 1 to 999 bytes of data --> tx size = 1
  • 1000 to 1999 bytes of data --> tx size = 2
  • and so on...

Your referrals:

Welcome to the TimeStampServer API CONSOLE

Check the links on the left to check your API keys, users, balance, etc